Refund Policy

We stand by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Unsatisfied with your recent purchase? We understand everyone has different tastes and our products might not satisfy you. We have a 30 day money back guarantee from the date received (not the date of purchase). This gives you plenty of time to try out the product. If you are unsatisfied follow these steps to begin the refund process:

  1. Contact our support team at [email protected] to begin the refund process.
  2. Provide your order number and the reason for your return/refund request.
  3. If you meet the refund requirements we will provide a return label for any unopened product(s).
  4. Drop your package off at the nearest USPS location or UPS store (depending on your RMA label).
  5. Once the order has arrived back at our warehouse we will provide a refund, minus the shipping cost.

You will receive a full refund of the products purchased, with the exception of shipping and handling costs, once we have received the returned product(s) back to our warehouse. This refund policy does not apply to subscriptions.

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